Learning to Serve
Would you do it? If you don’t always like it. If sometimes you don’t want to do it. If you picked it for convenience and not for love, if it was the less bad option for you. If sometimes it’s frustrating. If sometimes it doesn’t make sense. It you get hurt in the process, if there are cuts, burns and sore muscles involved. Would you still do it? Would you still do it the best way possible? Would you still smile? Would you still go the extra mile? Would you give thanks for it? Would you choose to speak life over it? I volunteered to work in the dinning room after closing the hospital and having to leave Senegal early (towards the end of March), just because it was the option that matched my preferences, the schedule and the chores were better than others I would probably not enjoy at all. Yes, I was selfish, I wasn't thinking of how wonderful it was going to be to serve the crew members onboard, I was thinking of what was better for me....