Short-Term Big News!!
Short-term Big news!!!
Hi friends!!
The last four months in Colombia have been so good to me! I’ve been blessed by living with my parents, I’ve enjoyed the fresh air and I’ve had time to rest, exercise and dive into the wonderful colombian food!!
But God also has blessed me with the chance of serving Him through different opportunities while I’ve been here.
I was able to babysit two little girls while their parents attended a missionary training, I started supporting a local children’s outreach ministry and even had the chance to teach English to two fun kids!!
While being in Colombia, I’ve been praying for guidance for “the next step”. At first it was clear that God wanted me to rest and focus on Him, but after a couple of months I strongly felt in my heart that the time to move was coming.
I’m happy to share with you that God has provided for me to fly to Florida and spend time with my sister, her husband and my precious nephews!!
I haven’t seen them in over a year and this is a wonderful answer to our prayers!! I’m planning to fly on mid-november and spend the holidays with them (my first Thanksgiving in the US!!)
But I’ve also been praying for an opportunity to volunteer again, until God allows the Africa Mercy to return to Senegal. My commitment with Mercy Ships and Africa is still strong, but I’ve been praying for a chance to invest my time and career as a nurse somewhere else during this waiting period. And this is where the exciting news come!!
I had a very nice conversation with the hospital's head nurse, and after describing the different roles I’ve had as a nurse, they would like me to offer support and training to their nursing team, which mainly has local nurses!! This was unexpected, but I could see how God was answering my prayers by giving me the chance to serve not only Honduran patients but also their nurses!!
I want to share a Bible scripture that God used to encourage me to take a leap of faith (again) and go outside of my comfort zone (again) to serve at a new country and hospital (again!). Although I still feel inadequate and weak, God reminded me with His Word that all He wants from me is to give Him what I have, not more and not less, but just what I have in my hands that can bless others.
"For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you cared for me..." Matthew 25:35-36 (NLT)
So now we keep praying, for God to arrange all the details and provide the funds for flights, housing and meals, but also wisdom, love and strength to serve and bless the people I’ll meet in Honduras. Would you pray for me? God has been faithful and will always be!!
Here is the link to my gofundme page (Susy goes to Honduras), if you want to support me to go to Honduras, I would appreciate it very much!!!
Blessings, Susy
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