From Cameroon to Guinea, what happened in between??
Week 1 and 2: Holidays, Family and Friends
After 6 months living and working on the ship in Cameroon, I didn't go back home. Instead, I flew to Sanford, Florida (USA). There I had 10 days with my family, loved them even more than before, but a deep sadness would be like a cloud around me, waking up and counting the days I still had left with them and anticipating the horrible feeling of saying goodbye, again.
So, unhappy but certain about it, I woke up at 4:30am to go to the airport and continue the path that was already planned for me. In my heart I could give each member of my family back to God, knowing and believing with all my strength that He loves them more than me, and that no matter what happens, He will always be with them. Pain and tears are inevitable, but God's voice is stronger and I chose to take His hand again, and walk with Him. Even through my tears I can give thanks for every day, every minute we spent together, each smile, each hug, each adventure, and most of all, the love God put in our family. My biggest treasure is my biggest sacrifice, but it could never be compared to the sacrifice Jesus did for me.
I spent the second week of my vacations in Austin, Texas. I had the chance to visit a very special family that decided to adopt me by heart and also support me financially, I spent time with colombian friends and a mercy shipper (can't help it!!). I kept learning about the country and my friends had fun seeing my shock with little things like speed limit and "small" sized coffee cups. I also had time to find useful things to bring back to the ship (storage boxes, flip flops, magnets, maybe too many flip flops ;)) .
Week 3 to 8: Onboarding
To tell you about my experience during the training offered by Mercy Ships to the long term committed volunteers, I decided to share the final project from the 4 weeks classes we had in the International Support Center, located in Lindale, Texas.
Texas wanted to kill me; but, despite of the Snakes, Spiders, Scorpions, Stinging things, Storms, Snapping tortoises, steaming heat, and struggling to stay awake, Susy survived. :)
Despite the high risk of coming here, thinking this was just an in-between time to go back to the ship, the grieve and the partial regret of not spending enough time with my family, and the hidden doubts I had on myself to be good enough for my new job; God knew better.
1. The right place: Through the first week here, God took the time to confirm in my heart that this is the right place for me to be, my dream job. Faith-based, compassionate and aiming for excellence, it is an honor to work with Mercy Ships.
2. The right God: During the second week, it got worse :) God came closer. I saw Him through the ten commandments in a whole new way, He challenged me to pray more and more, He reminded me of how faithful He has been, and He promised I can trust Him, because, as the song says “His love is devoted like a ring of solid gold.”
3. The right person: During the third week, God addressed the doubts about myself. Understanding my personality was relieving and exciting, but you know, as Spiderman’s uncle said: "With great power comes great responsibility." Now I am excited to serve with my talents, strengths and even my weaknesses at a position that apparently I can be good at!!.
4. The right tribe: Right here, right now I am looking at the right ones, the chosen ones. I’ve met brave, kind, smart, patient, creative, caring, funny, hard-worker souls…though we are all very different, and that’s not wrong :) I have seen the love of God and a lot more of Him through all of you. Thank you for letting me be part of your lives and becoming an awesome family!!!
Watch this video!!! Onboarding Summer 2018
Back to the ship:
We flew (the on boarding family :)) to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), where the ship had been receiving the proper maintenance it needed. I started working right away, preparing for the next field service and the nurses that will come to serve in Guinea. I also had the chance to walk through the island a little bit, enjoyed speaking spanish, trying new and nice food, and finding similarities between the european and latin cultures.
Today we sail to Guinea, so please keep us in your prayers!!!
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