Leaving home, going home
I left the ship one hour ago. I thought I was ready to leave until I had to say goodbye to friends that won’t come back to Senegal. I am one of the few that is leaving just for a good summer break to visit my family and my country, to then come back to the ship by the end of July. It is exactly 18 months ago since I left Colombia, and I am very excited to spend 4 days in Paris with colombian friends and then fly home to my family. But it still hurts to leave my ship family, the people that I live with and work with, the people that have come to know me just as I am, no make-up, no pretending, just me. It is pretty amazing to say goodbye to people from so many different countries that have become my community. I pray for the ones that will have a good rest like me, hoping they will come back with new strength and joy for the work God will let us do in Senegal. And I pray for the ones that are moving to a new season in their lives, that God will comfort them as they mourn a...