#ReentryReady- Day 1
What are you most proud of?
It’s weird to talk about the things I’m proud of, but this is a challenge, so it makes sense to give it a try.
First, I have to say that I still work as a nurse in the maxilofacial ward, and taking care of the patients still is what makes my heart beat every morning. But here I want to share about the other half of my job on the ship, the ward educator role.
With my partner in crime, we’ve met, trained and supported 123 new nurses that came to serve on the ship in Guinea. We have welcomed 67 alumni (returning nurses). We trained 21 Charge nurses. We also facilitated several workshops to improve nurses knowledge and skills!!!
I had 62 coffee dates with nurses, which means that I spent around 30+ hours with them, listening, encouraging and praying for them, what a privilege!!!
I gathered an awesome team to write a document that hopefully will strengthen the pediatric nursing care on the ship.
I had the awesome chance to listen, learn, watch and write down the coordinator role that an awesome nurse has been doing for the last 3 years.
I’m able to serve at church with visuals (and I’m learning how to not mess up the sound), singing and last week I led worship for the first time in my life. And last night someone decided to bless me with a guitar!!
I’ve had several chances to meet girls, pray for them and counsel them.
This year I shared my testimony in public for the first time, the rawest version of it. And survived it.
Lastly, although I will stop making mistakes and wrong decisions only when I go to heaven, I can say my relationship with Jesus has kept growing more and more. His love, grace, strength and voice keep me going through the trials, the mistakes, the challenges. He is my source, my eternal fountain of light that has been blessing others around me, despite of my many, many flaws.
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