A New Year - Part 1

FROM 2017 TO 2018


I started the year 2017 by asking God for a full-time ministry. I thanked him for the job I had, the apartment in which I lived, the church I attended, I had my family very close, but in my heart burned the desire to serve him with all that I am and have in places with not adequate health services; I wanted to use my career as a ministry and not as a job. I asked him to take care of my needs and to support me financially, I asked him that where I worked, I could have my Bible opened and I could sing praises and pray with freedom to adore him and bless my patients not only physically but spiritually ... and He fulfilled the desire of my heart. 

When praying for something like that, it seemed impossible for me. I did not know a ministry where they needed a nurse like me, I did not have money savings, I did not know how to share that dream to raise the funds I needed ... but He took care of everything, "because nothing is impossible for God" (Luke 1:37). He gave me the ideas to write on this blog, to upload videos on YouTube, to share in some churches and to share directly with many people. Even though, it was not my efforts, my ideas or my words that made this dream come true, it was His power fulfiling out the plans He had prepared for before I was born; after years of distance and doubts, I gave him my life and He surprised me with something I did not imagine! 

When I saw how He accomplished the impossible and started preparing to travel to the other side of the world, I was afraid, but He told me: "Now, this is what the Lord says, your Creator, O Jacob, and your formator, O Israel: Do not be afraid, because I redeemed you, I named you, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and if you go through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you pass through the fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flame burn in you." (Isaiah 43: 1-2)

And so, I finished the year of 2017, living my dream in Africa!


From a personal and spiritual point of view: This new year I want to walk in God's main purpose for me, which is the same as for any other child of God.

 "But you are my witness, O Israel," says the Lord, "you are my servant. 
You have been chosen to know me, to believe in me and to understand that only I am God. 
There is no other God; there never was and never will be." 
Isaiah 43:10 

I want Him to be the center and the reason of my life, the first thing to wake up to and the last thing before sleep. May His Word influence every moment of the day, my work, my friendships, my thoughts and my feelings. I want to know more. I want to imbue myself more with Him. 

I am convinced that the second purpose for my life is to continue serving as a missionary nurse, so I am already praying for God's guidance regarding my ministry here at the Mercy Ships hospital. 

I told the Nursing supervisor here, about my willingness to extend my first service period beyond March 31, if necessary. I also applied to serve in Guinea from August/2018 to June/2019. For both opportunities I am waiting for an answer and I trust that the perfect will of God will be done and He will continue to provide everything I need. 
So, I do not know when I would return to Colombia or for how long, I wish I could see my family and friends, and meet my new nephew who will be born soon!! 

Even without knowing what will come this year, I believe and trust the promises that God has left in His Word, and I pray that each one of you can experience the fulfillment of them :) 

 "And God will generously provide everything they need. 
Then they will always have everything they need and there will be plenty of spare to share with others. 
As the Scriptures say: "They share freely and give generously to the poor. Your good deeds will be remembered forever »" 
2 Corinthians 9: 8-9a


  1. Your experiences are equipping you to come alongside and encourage missionaries who will follow you.


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